“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (Hamlet)
"The Cosmologia is an amazing resource for DCC players. A road map to alternate planes of existence, with new classes, monsters, patrons, and a bevvy of cool spells. All that plus killer art. What are you waiting for?"
<review by Brendan LaSalle, DCC guru>
The worlds of humans and the like are filled with quite a variety of strange environments. These are tame compared to the exotic nature of other planes of existence. Cosmologia presents an examination of many of these planes, along with mechanisms for PCs to explore them.
• The Ethereal Plane
• Tristorus - The plane of shadow
• Elphyne - The fey realm
• The 4 elemental planes
â–ª Expanded tiers of elementals
â–ª Genies of each element
• The Astral Plane
• Abyss - The realm of chaos
new info on the 6 Types of Demons
• Celestia - The realm of law
introducing 7 Tiers of Archons
• Elysium - The realm of good
introducing 7 Tiers of Angels
• Tartarus - The realm of evil
introducing 9 Tiers of Devils
• 6 Patrons
• 44 Spells
• And a plethora of extra-planar creatures
It’s out of this world!
Each plane has
• Description of the environment
• Various points of interest
• Native denizens of the plane
• Impact of different magic in the exotic environment
• Hazards of the plane